Unlike many businesses, painting contractors don’t usually have to be concerned about picking a great location because they travel to the customer’s location.  That doesn’t mean location isn’t important, however.  Online, it’s the customer’s location that matters.  Did you know that a customer’s location is the factor Google considers most when deciding which businesses to show in the list of three just under the map section of a search result?

If you have a business address, it’s easy for Google to determine your relevance – Google can see where their user is located, and knows which businesses are nearby.  They’re much more likely to show your business if your location is right next to the person conducting the search.

Many painting contractors don’t have a business address, however – they have a home office, and don’t list this address on their website because they don’t want visitors to stop by their home while they’re out on a job.  For these home-based businesses, it’s even more important to have plenty of content on your website that details your service area.

Unfortunately, many painting contractor websites don’t have this level of content.  Some ‘micro-sites’ (those with 5 or fewer pages) don’t even list the cities where the painter performs work.  These websites will often just state where the painting contractor is located, which makes it extremely difficult (or impossible) to earn first-page results when people located in nearby towns search for house painters.

Just listing the towns won’t get you very far, either.  Ideally, your website will have a page dedicated to every major town where you perform painting services.  This demonstrates to Google that your website isn’t just listing nearby cities, but that you’re actively seeking business in those locations.

If you have reviews from customers in those towns, it’s even better.  These reviews demonstrate that you’re not just seeking customers in nearby towns, but you already have customers there.

If you don’t have pages dedicated to the towns you serve, work with your website provider to get them there.  You might be surprised with the impact it has on your search results – and how often your phone rings!

To learn how ProPainter Websites brings business to painting contractors, call us at 855-385-1134 or email us at Team_PPW@ProPainterWebsites.com.