One of the disadvantages of the painting business is that, once you’ve impressed a person with a great paint job, they’re unlikely to need your services again for years.  While they can provide your name to other people (and word-of-mouth is a powerful referral tool for painters) those customers are also only likely to provide you with one job.  This is different than many other businesses – for instance, if your accountant does a great job with your taxes, you’ll probably be providing them a steady stream of annual business for decades to come.

However, there are a few types of customers who can provide a steady stream of business to painters.  One of those is a real estate agent.  While the real estate agents may not technically be your direct customers (they’re referring you to their customers, who are trying to get a house sold) they function much like direct customers.  That’s because home-sellers are very willing to take the recommendation of their real estate agent, especially if that agent can help make the work happen more quickly or cheaper than it otherwise would.

If you’re able to help a real estate agent who needs a house painted quickly so it can be moved onto the market, and you can offer that help affordably, they are very likely to turn to you the next time they need a job completed.  If you continue to deliver, your name will stay in their back pocket every time they need work done.  Because of the number of houses real estate agents deal with each day, it’s an excellent source for work.  And because of the number of problems they have to deal with for each house they sell, they really appreciate anyone who they can trust to solve their problems without creating any new ones for them.

If you’re looking for paint jobs and haven’t contacted real estate agents in your area, give them a call and ask for the chance to impress them with your quick turnaround time and reasonable prices – and don’t forget to provide them with a link to your portfolio of completed jobs!

To learn how ProPainter Websites can help your painting business earn more paint jobs, call us at 855.385.1134 or email us at