There are so many factors that go into selling painting services.  We’ve covered the importance of process, response times, and great customer communication.  But there’s more to communication than what you’re saying – more than half of in-person communication comes from body language.

When you say it can be done next week, does your customer believe it?  When you provide your price, does your customer believe that you think it’s a fair one?  Here are a few ideas on how to convince a customer that you’re going to do a great job for them – and (almost) none of them involve words!

Convey Honesty

Seeming dishonest to a potential customer is a surefire deal killer.  The first rule of projecting honesty is to be honest.  If you know you’re more expensive than some competitors but try to argue you’re offering a very cheap price, for instance, it will be difficult to cover up your body language, which will be saying otherwise.  You should also avoid touching your face while you’re communicating; people sometimes subconsciously see this as hiding your face, and it makes them distrust you.  Don’t cross your arms, because it seems defensive.  Finally, make eye contact regularly throughout the conversation.

 Listen to Them

Some people can listen and think at the same time.  But it’s difficult to look like you’re listening and thinking at the same time.  And if a customer doesn’t think you’re listening to them, they aren’t going to trust you.

When a customer is talking to you, make sure you follow both their verbal and non-verbal cues.  If they reference a particular part of the room, take a look at it while they’re talking about it.  Otherwise, maintain eye contact while the customer is talking, and nod periodically to indicate you’re taking in what they’re saying.  Finally, don’t be afraid to repeat back to them what they said if you think it’s particularly important to them – it indicates that you heard them, and have committed it to memory.

Meet Customers Where They Are

You can usually tell what a customer is thinking based on their own behavior.  Are they in a time crunch?  Then what they’re looking for is confidence.  Lean into the conversation, and try to avoid long pauses that might indicate you’re having to move projects around in your head to fit this one in your schedule.

Are they looking for someone who cares about doing a great job?  Show them some excitement – slightly increase the speed and volume of your speech and use some hand gestures.   In many cases, this will flow naturally – if you take the time to consider the customer’s mindset, your body language will naturally adjust to respond to it.

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