Starting your own painting business can be scary.  Without an established customer base, marketing budget or references, it can seem like you’ll never get enough clients to break even.  The business bills don’t shrink just because you don’t have enough customers yet – and neither do your personal bills.  But with hard work, you can get past this phase just like millions of small business owners across the United States, and you’ll look back at these scary times as a memory.

If you’ve just started a painting contractor business, or you’re thinking about starting one soon, click on each of these links for information on five things you can do in the first 90 days to help make this phase shorter and less stressful.

  • Learn from the experts on how to run a painting business – This blog post provides resources that are dedicated to helping painting contractors succeed. Whether your questions are about profit margins, equipment or customer service, you’ll find help here.
  • Play to Your Strengths – Small businesses may not have the financial resources that large corporations do, but they succeed because they do have many other advantages. Make sure you know what these advantages are, and that your business is using them to its benefit.
  • Get Customers – Sales and marketing skills are vital to early business success. Unfortunately, a poor painter with great marketing skills can outperform a great painter in the first 90 days of business.  Don’t let them!  This blog details five ways that new painters can get customers in the door quickly and cost effectively.
  • Become Visible Online – Even if you can’t afford your own online presence, there are free things you can do to make your business visible online. You should do these things the first week you start your business, because they can take time to take effect.
  • Get a Website – As soon as you can afford it, you should get your own website. This will drastically increase your ability to be found online, enhance your professional image and provide a place to display your projects and customer reviews.

Call ProPainter Websites at 855-385-1134 or email us at to learn how we can help your painting business receive more calls from potential customers!